Entries by IslerNW

Tax Day Change

To our valued clients and friends: The Secretary of Treasury appears to be moving the tax due date to July 15th: “We are moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15,” Secretary Steven Mnuchin tweeted. “All taxpayers and businesses will have this additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties.” He […]


Isler NW COVID-19 Announcement

Isler Northwest LLC is continuing to provide tax and accounting services during the COVID-19 pandemic, while also taking steps to protect the health and safety of our employees and our community. We are closely monitoring local, state and federal announcements and recommendations.

Where is Estate Tax Going in the Future?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA, often referred to as tax reform) generally became effective in 2018 and increased the federal estate and gift tax lifetime exclusion amount (LEA) from $5 million per person to $10 million per person. On top of that, the exclusion is annually adjusted for inflation, meaning the LEA for […]

What Does a Tax Deduction Save You?

Taxpayers frequently ask what benefit is derived from a tax deduction.  Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer.  The reason the benefit cannot be determined simply is because some deductions are above-the-line, others must be itemized, some must exceed a threshold amount before being deductible, and certain ones are not deductible for alternative minimum tax purposes, […]

New Tax Rules for Retirees

If you are at or approaching the age of 70, you need to be aware of some changes that Congress made to the tax laws, effective starting in 2020. These changes will have direct impacts on you and the decisions you make related to your retirement accounts. Not only will they affect your federal taxes, […]

March 2020 Individual Due Dates

March 10 – Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during February, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later than March 10.

Congress Does Away with the Stretch IRA

Some members of Congress have, for some time, expressed their displeasure with the so-called stretch IRAs that have permitted some beneficiaries, such as a young child or a grandchild, to extend the payout period from the IRAs they inherited for decades.