Friends of the Children Donation
Isler Northwest is proud to support Friends of the Children with a donation of toys and gifts this holiday season!
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud IslerNW contributed a whooping 949 entries.
Isler Northwest is proud to support Friends of the Children with a donation of toys and gifts this holiday season!
If your business engages the services of an individual (independent contractor), other than one who meets the definition of an employee, and you pay him or her $600 or more for the calendar year, then you are required to issue that person a Form 1099-MISC to avoid penalties and the prospect of losing the deduction […]
Even as recently as a decade ago, most people listened to their radio shows in the exact same way — on the actual radio. Fast forward to today, and the world of podcasting has absolutely exploded, changing the way we think about broadcasting for generations to come. One great thing about podcasting is that absolutely […]
Along with the holidays comes a lot of extra work for many family-run businesses, which may require putting the kids to work and having a spouse help out over the busy time. There are special tax rules when hiring your children and also for your spouse, depending on whether he or she is a business […]
As the year draws to a close, we have pulled together a number of tax tips that may be beneficial, some of which need to be acted on before the end the of the year to be useful for 2019.
When was the last time you or your attorney reviewed or updated your will or trust? If it was before the passage of the 2017 tax reform legislation, or the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), your documents may be out of date.
Don’t forget these important December due dates for individual and business filings, reporting, payments, and more.
Individuals with disabilities as well as parents of disabled children are eligible for a number of income tax benefits. This article explains some of these tax breaks.
As the end of the year and the holiday season approach, we will all see an uptick in the number of charitable solicitations arriving in our mailboxes and by email. Since some charities sell their contributor lists to other charities, frequent contributors may find themselves besieged by requests from all sorts of charities with which […]
Some holiday gifts you provide to members of your family, employees, and others may also yield tax benefits. Here are some examples: