Entries by IslerNW

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20-Somethings Are Spending Less Money Than You Think

Article Found on BusinessInsider | Written by Tanza Loudenback American millennials aren’t spending as much money on clothes, avocado toast, and pumpkin spice lattes as you may think. Instead, they’re shifting their spending to focus on necessities, as housing costs increase and wages sit still. According to a recent Gallup poll, 18-t0-29 year olds in 2016 reported spending an average of $19 less on a […]

8 Financial Tips For Young Adults

By Amy Fontinelle | Featured on Investopedia Unfortunately, personal finance has not yet become a required subject in high school or college, so you might be fairly clueless about how to manage your money when you’re out in the real world for the first time.

3 Myths That Could Tank Your Credit Score

Article by Selena Maranjian | Featured on CNN Whatever your credit score is, it could probably be higher. Many people are taking steps to improve their credit worthiness — but if they go about it the wrong way, misled by myths, they could actually hurt their scores. Here are three myths that could tank your credit […]


10 Pieces of Financial Advice I Wish I Knew in My 20s

By Andrew Medal | Found on Entrepreneur Your 20s can one of the most memorable times of your life. After all, you’ve just started to enter the workforce, have little responsibility and finally have a disposable income to call your own. However, even with all the freedom that youth provides, it can come with some significant financial consequences that […]

New Malware Steals Your Credit Card Info via Text

Article by Rob Price | Found on INC.COM It’s wise not to enter your credit card details into shady-looking apps and websites if you don’t want your details stolen. But sometimes, not even the apps you know and trust are safe. A piece of malware detailed in a blog post from security firm Kaspersky is able to quietly steal victims’ […]


8 Things You Should Never Do at Work

Article by Maurie Backman | Found on CNN We all know we’re supposed to show up to work on time, respect our managers, and meet deadlines as assigned. But here are a few things not to do if you want to succeed on the job.

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When Millennials are the Boss

Article by Shen Lu | Found on CNN The kids have grown up and they’re ready to take on the world. While much of the buzz around Millennials in the workplace has been about managing them, many of them have risen to leadership roles, supervising Gen-Xers and even Baby Boomers. Experts say the elder workers should […]


Yes, Student Debt is Delaying Homeownership

Article by Katie Lobosko | Found on CNN.com College grads have claimed for years that they were putting off buying a home because of student debt. Now, there’s strong proof that their loans really have pulled down homeownership rates. About 32% of those in their 20s owned a home in 2007, but that’s fallen drastically to […]


How to Kill a Corporate Zombie

Article Found on The Economist WHAT is the best way to kill a zombie? Fans of Daryl Dixon, a character in “The Walking Dead”, a television series, will know the answer: a crossbow bolt to the brain. Getting rid of corporate zombies, however, is a much more complicated process.