5 Ways QuickBooks Online Can Make You More Profitable

QuickBooks Online can enhance your company’s bottom line by improving your cash flow, customer relationships, inventory balance, and your future. QuickBooks Online is really good at a lot of things. It helps you create and manage contact…

Divorced, Separated, Married or Widowed This Year? Unpleasant Surprises May Await You at Tax Time

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 Article Highlights: Separated Taxpayers Divorced Taxpayers Recently Married Taxpayers Widowed Taxpayers Filing Status Joint and Several Liability Who Claims the Children Alimony Community Property States Affordable…

Did You Get a Letter from the IRS? Don’t Panic.

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Article Highlights: IRS Notices CP Series Notice Automated Notices Frequent Errors ID Theft Penalties and Interest What You Should Do What We Will Do Now that most tax refunds are deposited directly into taxpayers’…

Employer-Offered Benefits That Can Save You Money and Taxes

Article Highlights:   Health Insurance Retirement Plans Special Rule for Military Spouses Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) Group Term Life Insurance Qualified Employee Discounts …

Have You Gotten Bad Tax Advice?

 Article Highlights: Divorce or Separation Agreements Can Specify Who Claims a Child. If You Pay Child Support, You Claim the Child as a Dependent. Avoiding Payroll Taxesby Treating an Employee’s Compensation as a Gift. Only…

Business Growth: How to Plan for (and Make the Most of) This Critical Stage 

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While it's true that every business is different from the next - and every entrepreneur will go on his or her own unique journey - there are still a few constants that we know to be true. The start-up phase, for example, is when you write…

Reconstructing Tax Records for Individuals

Article Highlights Advance Preparedness Cloud Storage Copies of Returns or Return Transcripts Records of Personal Residence and Real Property Vehicles Personal Property Business Records Hurricanes, fires, floods, tornadoes…

Are You an American Living Abroad? Here Are the Essential Tax Facts to Consider

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It can be logical to assume that because you've moved out of the country, you no longer have to pay taxes on any money you earn. It can be logical... but it is also incorrect. Nearly all United States citizens must file a Federal Tax Return…

Did You Overlook Something on a Prior Tax Return? 

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Article Highlights: Repercussions of Incorrect Tax Returns Filing Amended Returns Statute of Limitations for Refunds Potential of Audit It is not uncommon to discover that an item of income was overlooked, a deduction was not…

Tax Exempt Organization Filing Deadline Approaching

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Article Highlights: Information Filing Due Dates Calendar Year Nonprofit Fiscal Year Nonprofits Which Form To File Extension of Time to File Late Filing Penalty Failure To File For 3 Years State Filing Requirements Most…