Reconstructing Individual Tax Records

Article Highlights  Advance Preparedness Cloud Storage Copies of Returns or Return Transcripts Records of Personal Residence and Real Property Vehicles Personal Property Business Records Hurricanes, fires, floods,…

The IRS Issues Update to the Tax Scams to Be Aware of For 2023 and Beyond 

When it comes to income taxes, two things tend to be true every year. The first is that April will always roll around yet again, whether you like it or not - which means that it's in your best interest to make sure your tax filing needs are…

Warning Signs That You Should STOP Managing Your Own Books

Warning Signs That You Should STOP Managing Your Own Books  On the one hand, it's almost a prerequisite for entrepreneurs of all types to have that "can-do spirit." That sense that nobody else sees things quite like they do so, whatever it…

Worried About Getting Audited? Here's What You Need to Know About Your Chances

If you've been following the news recently, you're no doubt familiar with the talk about the Internet Revenue Service hiring new agents during a time when they've been critically understaffed for years. Indeed, the IRS is expected to receive…

Important May 2023 Due Dates

May 2023 Individual Due Dates May 10 - Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during April, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later than May…

What is the Difference Between an HSA and a Health FSA?

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Article Highlights: Flexible Spending Accounts Common Features of an FSA FSA Allowable Medical Expenses  Unused Amounts (Use It or Lose It) Health Savings Accounts Enrolled in Medicare Covered Under a High-deductible…

When Can You Dump Old Tax Records?

Article Highlights: General statute is 3 years Some states are longer Fraud, failure to file and other issues can extend the statute Keeping the actual return Taxpayers often question how long records must be kept and the…

Don’t Get Hit with IRS Underpayment Penalties

Article Highlights: Pay-as-You-Earn System Withholding and Payment Forms IRS On-line Withholding Estimator Situations Triggering Underpayments Safe Harbor Payments True Safe Harbor Under federal law, taxpayers must pay…

Has Technology Disrupted Your Business Model? Here's What to Do Next

Think for a moment about the many ways that the world has changed since Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone to the world in 2007. Overnight, entire industries were upended. Nobody needed a standalone camera because they were suddenly carrying…

Want to Improve Your Cash Flow? Shorten the Amount of Time it Takes to Get Paid

To say that things are uncertain right now when it comes to the economy is, in all probability, a bit of an understatement. Inflation is at levels we haven't seen in decades. Employment costs are rising across the board. Materials in a number…