How to Prepare for Your Year-End Financial Review: A Guide for SMBs

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As the year draws to a close, it’s time to take stock of your business’s financial health. A year-end financial review isn't just a box to check—it’s a crucial opportunity to assess your profit and loss, evaluate growth potential, and…

IRS Provides Relief for Hurricane Helene Victims

Article Highlights: Hurricane Helene Affected States. Who Qualifies for Relief. Filing and Payment Relief Relief Start Dates. Relief Period Ending Date. IRS Address of Record Address Outside the Disaster Area Additional…

Managing Contractor Payments and 1099s the Easy Way with QuickBooks Online

The surge in self-employment and small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic led to millions of new entrepreneurs, many of whom had to quickly learn how to manage their finances, especially when it came to taxes and compensation. Now, nearly…

Special Provisions for Qualified Performing Artists’ Employee Business Expense Deductions

Article Highlights The World of Performing Arts Understanding the Basics Qualifications for Performing Artists Special Considerations for Married Performers Maintain Adequate Records Types of Deductible Expenses Recordkeeping…

How Community Property Laws Impact Beneficial Ownership for Spouses

Article Highlights: Background of the Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Requirement Beneficial Ownership Community Property Laws and Beneficial Ownership Spouses and Beneficial Ownership Reporting Implications for Reporting…

Snails in Skyscrapers and David Beckham: The Strangest Tax Avoidance Schemes in History

Tax avoidance is a tale as old as, well, taxes themselves, with individuals and companies constantly seeking creative (and often strange) ways to reduce their liabilities. While most of us rely on accountants to help find wholly legal deductions,…

Important October 2024 Due Dates

October 2024 Individual Due Dates October 10 - Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during September, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later…

IRS Highlights New Warning Signs for Businesses Regarding the Employee Retention Credit

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) emerged as a vital financial lifeline for businesses. However, as the IRS intensifies its scrutiny of ERC claims, it has unveiled five new warning signs that businesses…

Succession Planning for Baby Boomer Business Owners: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

As Baby Boomer business owners approach retirement, planning for the future of their businesses becomes crucial. Succession planning is not just about finding a successor; it's about ensuring the continuity and success of the business you’ve…

Mastering Cash Flow: Strategies for Navigating Seasonal Slowdowns

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As the vibrant colors of fall give way to the chill of winter, many businesses brace for the inevitable seasonal slowdown. Whether it's the changing weather or the uncertainty of election cycles, these periods can pose significant challenges…