Though everybody wants their money to grow, few people understand the best way to make that happen. It’s all about where you choose to put your money and the rate of growth you’re able to achieve over a period of time. When you’re trying… 07:20:282021-10-07 02:22:43How Understanding the ‘Rule of 72’ Helps You Make Personal Finance Decisions
Article Highlights:
COVID-19 and Tax-Return Processing Delays
Congress Helped to Create the Backlog
Taxpayer Advocate’s Assessment
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS was getting refunds out swiftly and responded… 12:00:512021-09-24 23:48:40The IRS Backlog Is Causing Taxpayer Heartburn
Article Highlights:
Filing Requirements
Changing Filing Status
Social Security Benefits
Traditional IRA Deductibility
Roth IRA Contribution Restrictions
Higher Education Interest Deduction
Itemized Deductions
Medicare… 12:00:072021-09-24 23:48:44Filing as Married Separate? Better Read This.
October 2021 Individual Due Dates
October 12 - Report Tips to Employer
If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during September, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later… 23:29:242021-09-24 23:48:49October 2021 Due Dates
Not to overstate the obvious, but the last 18 months have seen major modifications in the ways that most Americans spent their money. Without the ability to visit department stores, malls, and big-box stores, retail therapy was significantly… 02:30:402021-09-24 23:48:55Post-Pandemic Savings Burning a Hole in Your Pocket?
Article Highlights
IRA Contribution Age Restrictions Removed
Required Minimum Distributions
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Tax Trap
Individuals are required to begin taking distributions from their IRA when they reach a certain… 12:00:332021-09-24 23:49:00Complications to the IRA-to-Charity Distribution Provision
Article Highlights:
Head of household filing status
Earned income tax credit
Child tax credit
Child care credit for certain working grandparents
Grandchild education credits
Medical and dental expenses
More and more individuals… 12:00:342021-09-24 23:49:06Tax Breaks for Grandparents
Where’s a specific sensibility and respect that gets attached to businesses that are referred to as “startups.” There’s a general feeling of risk taking and future-facing enterprise that owners enjoy. But the actual definition of what… 12:00:442021-08-31 03:57:25When Is Your Business No Longer a “Startup”?
September 1 - 2021 Fall and 2022
Tax Planning Contact this office to schedule a consultation appointment.
September 10 - Report Tips to Employer
If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during August,… 12:00:322021-08-31 03:58:42September 2021 Individual Due Dates
For years, politicians have been talking about simplifying the process of filing federal taxes, but despite the promises, the process continues to be complicated and stressful. But as bad as preparing taxes can be, it pales in comparison to… 12:00:492021-09-24 23:49:254 of the Most Common IRS Tax Problems
How Understanding the ‘Rule of 72’ Helps You Make Personal Finance Decisions
Personal FinanceThe IRS Backlog Is Causing Taxpayer Heartburn
Tax NewsFiling as Married Separate? Better Read This.
Tax Planning, Tax TipsOctober 2021 Due Dates
Due DatesPost-Pandemic Savings Burning a Hole in Your Pocket?
COVID-19, SavingsComplications to the IRA-to-Charity Distribution Provision
IRA Contributions, IRA'sTax Breaks for Grandparents
Tax Tips, TaxesWhen Is Your Business No Longer a “Startup”?
Small Business, StartupSeptember 2021 Individual Due Dates
Due Dates4 of the Most Common IRS Tax Problems
Tax Planning, Taxes