CDC Guidelines
Practice social distancing – keep a minimum of 6 feet a part
Wash hands often, with soap – for 20 seconds minimum
Use hand sanitizer only if soap and water are not available
Don’t touch your face
Say home if you are…
To our valued clients and friends,
Things are changing by the day as governments continue grappling with ways to provide relief during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Please see below for updates on various taxing jurisdictions:
State of Oregon
Except… 03:32:022020-04-10 02:24:22Update on Portland and Oregon Tax Deadlines
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides… 03:18:432020-04-10 01:58:30Payroll Protection Plan Infographic
The Paycheck Protection Program provides small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. Funds can also be used to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities.
Fully Forgiven
Funds are provided… 01:25:002020-04-03 03:04:58Small Business Paycheck Protection Program
To our valued clients and friends,
In IRS Notice 2020-18, the IRS granted additional relief to individuals impacted by the Covid-19 virus Pandemic. This Notice supersedes Notice 2020-17 by removing the tax payment limits and automatically… 21:10:432020-04-10 02:24:54Update on IRS Relief and SBA Disaster-relief Loans
Dear Clients and Friends:
We hope that you are keeping yourself, your loved ones, and your community safe from COVID‐19 (commonly referred to as the Coronavirus). Along with those paramount health concerns, you may be wondering about some…
The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” (Cares Act) includes many tax and financial breaks for both individuals and businesses. We broke down many of the essential elements and how they can assist you and your business during… 04:44:192020-03-28 04:44:19What Does the $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Mean for You?
To our valued clients and friends:
The Secretary of Treasury appears to be moving the tax due date to July 15th:
"We are moving Tax Day from April 15 to July 15," Secretary Steven Mnuchin tweeted. "All taxpayers and businesses will have… 21:03:402020-04-10 02:16:00Tax Day Change
Although most American taxpayers receive a refund each year when they file their income tax returns, there are those who for one reason or another end up owing. However, lots end up owing on April 15th and many don’t have the means to pay… 02:41:092020-03-25 02:41:09Can’t Pay Your Taxes? Payment Due Date Extended Because of COVID-19
The COVID-19 outbreak is affecting every facet of our lives – including our taxes. Check here for all your FAQ to see how you may be impacted.
Q: Has the government extended the filing deadline?
A: Yes, the federal government… 03:26:112020-03-21 03:26:11Coronavirus and Taxes: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
COVID-19 Guidelines & Rules
COVID-19Update on Portland and Oregon Tax Deadlines
CARES Act 2020, COVID-19Payroll Protection Plan Infographic
COVID-19Small Business Paycheck Protection Program
COVID-19Update on IRS Relief and SBA Disaster-relief Loans
COVID-19CARES Act Tax Provision Summary
CARES Act 2020What Does the $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Mean for You?
2020 Stimulus Package, COVID-19Tax Day Change
COVID-19Can’t Pay Your Taxes? Payment Due Date Extended Because of COVID-19
COVID-19, Due Dates, TaxesCoronavirus and Taxes: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)