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What Will the Workplace of the Future Look Like?

Article Found on Business News Daily | Written by Nicole Fallon The modern American workplace is undergoing drastic changes. Everything from company culture to how buildings are managed is on the table. Business operations, workspaces, and…
isler northwest, cpa, portland

9 Things All Millennials Need to Know About Money

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Article Found on INC.COM   What should all young people know about managing personal finance? This is a very important question, because as it stands, there is expected to be a $30 trillion wealth transfer from Boomers to Millennials…
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Why Networking Is The Key To Your Business Success (Even In 2017)

Article by Yitzi Weiner | Found on Forbes I find that people still struggle to understand how crucial networking is in 2017. I believe that in the contemporary business world, networking is more important than ever. I was shocked, and this…
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Rush Hour Got You Down? How to Make the Most of Your Commute

Article by Sammi Carmela | Found on Business News Daily Commuting to work is often a hassle. With rush-hour traffic, delayed trains or long walks to the office, it's no surprise that many workers are already exhausted before starting their…
isler cpa, portland, oregon

3 Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Amazon's Second Headquarters Search

Article by Monique Claiborne | Found on INC.COM On Thursday, Amazon announced its plans to search for a second headquarter city in North America. According to the press release, the new office will be a full equal to Amazon's headquarters…
portland, oregon, business advisors

5 Productivity Practices to Help You Stress Less and Do More

By Shimon Brathwaite | Featured on Business News Daily Organization is something many people strive for but find hard to achieve. However, it's a good goal to have: Being organized and efficient at work not only makes you a more valuable…
isler northwest, cpa firm, portland

7 Passwords You Should Never Use at Your Small Business

Article Found on INC.COM Owning a small business means owning data. You're constantly acquiring new information related to your customers and financial details, as well as all the vendors and contractors with whom you work. However, one…
isler northwest, accountants, portland, oregon

20-Somethings Are Spending Less Money Than You Think

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Article Found on BusinessInsider | Written by Tanza Loudenback American millennials aren't spending as much money on clothes, avocado toast, and pumpkin spice lattes as you may think. Instead, they're shifting their spending to focus…
8 Financial Tips For Young Adults

8 Financial Tips For Young Adults

By Amy Fontinelle | Featured on Investopedia Unfortunately, personal finance has not yet become a required subject in high school or college, so you might be fairly clueless about how to manage your money when you're out in the real world…
isler northwest, accountants, portland

3 Myths That Could Tank Your Credit Score

Article by Selena Maranjian | Featured on CNN Whatever your credit score is, it could probably be higher. Many people are taking steps to improve their credit worthiness -- but if they go about it the wrong way, misled by myths, they could…