isler, cpa, business advisors, portland

The Technology That Will Change Accounting

Article by Levi Morehouse | Found on Forbes Lots of people speculate about the next big innovation that will take their industries by storm. In the realm of accounting and finance, there is a major technology often misunderstood by professionals…
isler, cpa, business advisors, portland

How Your Job Can Wreck Your Health

Article by Ronesh Sinha | Found on Politico During my medical training, I learned that a typical heart attack patient is a white male older than 50 who smokes cigarettes and eats red meat. So I was surprised when patients in my Silicon Valley…
isler, northwest, business advisors, portland

How much life insurance do you need (if any)?

Article by Anna Bahney | Found on CNN Before we deal with the downer of your death, let's talk about your life. Does anyone depend on you? Like, financially, depend on you? No? Then you're probably fine without life insurance. Of course,…
accounting firm, portland, oregon

5 Steps to Retire Debt-Free

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Article by by Maurie Backman | Found on America is a nation of borrowers, and while racking up debt can be dangerous at any age, it's especially hazardous for those heading into retirement. Because most seniors are behind on savings…
isler, cpa, business advisors, portland

Younger Business Travelers Are More Likely to Extend Trips For Fun

Article Found on The Economist ACCENTURE, advertorial, jeggings. The competition for ugliest portmanteau is fierce. Few constructions, though, can match “bleisure” for barbarousness. For the uninitiated, the word is a blend of business…
cpa, business advisors, portland, oregon

Estate Planning Strategies Before Congress Acts On Tax Reform

Article by Cara O'Brien | Found on Estate planning has once again entered the realm of uncertainty. We do not know if there will be new legislation regarding the estate and gift tax, nor do we know when such possible…
public accountants, portland, oregon

Data Shows Now Is The Best Time To Change Careers (And, That It Won't Last Much Longer)

Article by J.T. O'Donell | Found on An estimated 76 percent of workers today aren't very satisfied with their jobs, with more than 40 percent of them planning to switch jobs in 2017. As a career expert, one of the most common requests…
cpa firm, portland, oregon, isler

IRS adds more features to taxpayer online accounts

Article Found on | Written by Michael Kohn The Internal Revenue Service has supplemented its online tax account tool with some new self-service features for taxpayers and their preparers. The IRS debuted the tool…
accountants, business advisors, portland, oregon

Cristiano Ronaldo Accused of $16.5M Tax Evasion

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Article by Tariq Panja | Found on Soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has been accused of failing to pay 14.7 million euros ($16.5 million) in taxes. The prosecutor’s office in Madrid filed a lawsuit that alleges…
isler, certified public accountants, portland

IRS May Have to Refund $300 Million After Federal Judge Rules PTIN Fee is Illegal

Article by Joseph Henchman | Found on A federal judge ruled on June 1 that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) exceeded its authority in collecting fees for issuing Preparer Tax Identification Numbers (PTIN). The IRS requires…