As Moda rebuilds, possible downsizing looms

As Moda rebuilds, possible downsizing looms

Article by Elizabeth Hayes | Featured on BizJournals | Image Credit: / After a difficult two years, Moda Health CEO Robert Gootee has a plan to guide the company through the turbulent waters ahead. It's a plan that…
Oregon entrepreneurs to give the lowdown on their success

Oregon entrepreneurs to give the lowdown on their success

Article by Andy Giegerich | Featured on BizJournals A slew of successful business operators will offer inside tips on building a bustling enterprise. The Portland Business Journal and Entrepreneurs Organization will present the EO Talks…
Powerball Winners

Winners Of $1.3 Billion Powerball May Face Suits By Friends, Co-Workers, Family

Article by Robert W. Wood | Featured on | Image Credit: Julie Clopper / The Powerball jackpot rose to $1.3 billion. These astounding numbers seem even more likely to brew big potential liabilities. Of course, the…
Multnomah County Wins Unusual Legal Victory Over Mortgage Giant

Multnomah County Wins Unusual Legal Victory Over Mortgage Giant

By Nigel Jaquiss | Featured on Willamette Week Local governments usually pay legal settlements rather than collect them. But on Jan. 5, Multnomah County disclosed that, unlike dozens of counties across the country, it had…
Why The Star Wars Franchise Is Worth Nearly $10 Billion

Intergalactic Finance: Why The Star Wars Franchise Is Worth Nearly $10 Billion To Disney

Article by Aswath Damodaran | Featured on | Featured Image Credit: pio3 / I saw the newest Star Wars movie recently and it brought back memories that stretch back almost four decades. Watching Harrison Ford…
United States issues new corporate anti-inversion rules

United States Issues New Corporate Anti-Inversion Rules

Article By Sally P. Schreiber, J.D. | Featured on CGMA Magazine In a further move to reduce the tax benefits of, and therefore the incentives for, corporate inversions, the U.S. tax agency, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), on Thursday…
Congress negotiators get tax, spending deal: lawmakers

Congress negotiators get tax, spending deal: lawmakers

BY RICHARD COWAN AND SUSAN CORNWELL | Featured on Reuters Congressional negotiators on Tuesday wrapped up a sprawling deal to keep the U.S. government operating through next September, while setting new policies ranging from repealing a…
Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015

Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015

By Isler Northwest LLC December 30, 2015 On December 18, the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (the PATH Act) was signed by President Obama and became law. As is often the case at the end of the year, Congress had to pass legislation…
Intangibles make up the top 9 value drivers in the digital age

Intangibles make up the top 9 value drivers in the digital age

Article by Samantha White | Featured on CGMA In today’s digital economy, intangibles are more important than ever to the success of a business. New CGMA research found that the top nine drivers of value in the digital age are intangibles,…
The 10 Best Food Cities in America

The 10 Best Food Cities in America, Ranked

Story by Tom Sietsema | Photos by Melina Mara | Article Featured on The Washington Post To be a great food city, it helps to have a large body of water nearby, a classic dish or three, and a population with a fondness for drink. Those…