Article by DANIEL ALLY | Featured on
As I was giving a speech in Washington, D.C., a well-dressed man approached me to ask a question. After our interesting discussion, he reached deeply into his pockets and pulled out… 00:55:372015-10-03 00:55:377 Ways to Network Like a Millionaire
Article by Jodi Helmer | Featured on Entrepreneur
Image credit: Tom Mckenzie
Growing up in rural Michigan, Jesse Vollmar watched as technology transformed the world around him, while life on the farm remained labor-intensive and… 01:21:292015-09-30 01:21:30How This Company Is Revolutionizing the Way Farmers Do Their Job
Article by Jamie Hopkins | Featured on Forbes
Retirement planning can be extremely difficult as individuals are tasked with planning for an uncertain time period. In many ways, retirement planning is like trying to shoot a moving target… 01:20:292015-09-16 01:20:295 Biggest Retirement Planning Changes for 2015
Article by Janet Forgrieve | Featured on SmartBlogs
Descriptions including “craft”, “small batch,” “custom,” “limited edition” and “artisan/artisanal” are more likely to influence the purchasing decisions of millennials… 02:38:282015-09-12 02:38:28Millennials drive demand for craft beer, wine and spirits
Article by Dan McCarthy | Featured on
A strategic plan is a document that establishes the direction of a company or work unit. It can be a single page or fill up a binder, depending on the size and complexity of the… 00:41:062015-09-09 00:41:067 Elements of a Strategic Plan
Article by Liz Opalka, CPA | Featured on Journal of Accountancy
Migrating to a low-tax state to retire doesn’t always allow people to escape estate and inheritance taxes in the states they left.
As 2014 drew to a close, Florida… 23:52:482015-08-26 23:52:48Moved South But Still Taxed Up North
From epic views and Hobbit trails to boardwalk biking and strolls through quaint seaside towns, the coast is calling.
Article by Allison Jones | Featured on Portland Monthly Magazine
Neahkahnie Mountain
Searching for heavenly views?… 02:48:352015-08-24 02:52:31Beautiful Hiking and Biking Trails Along the Oregon Coast
It’s the beginning of the end of the filing date disconnect between foreign bank account reports and income tax returns.
On July 31, President… 00:46:012015-08-19 00:46:01FBAR Deadline Moves Up 3 Months to April 15
Article by AP | Featured on OPG
Gov. Kate Brown has declared drought emergencies in three more Oregon counties.
With Tuesday’s declaration, 23 out of 36 counties are under drought emergencies. The new ones are Curry, Hood River and… 02:09:482015-08-15 02:13:23Kate Brown Declares Drought In 3 More Oregon Counties
PRINCETON – The international system of economic governance is at a turning point. After 70 years, the Bretton Woods institutions – the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank –appear creaky, with their very legitimacy being questioned… 01:55:062015-08-12 01:55:06Modernizing the IMF
7 Ways to Network Like a Millionaire
BusinessHow This Company Is Revolutionizing the Way Farmers Do Their Job
Business5 Biggest Retirement Planning Changes for 2015
RetirementMillennials drive demand for craft beer, wine and spirits
Business7 Elements of a Strategic Plan
BusinessMoved South But Still Taxed Up North
TaxesBeautiful Hiking and Biking Trails Along the Oregon Coast
RecreationFBAR Deadline Moves Up 3 Months to April 15
TaxesKate Brown Declares Drought In 3 More Oregon Counties
Local NewsModernizing the IMF