Image: Leah Nash
Landy and Sophia in front of their North Portland home.
Portland: family-friendly bedroom community to the world?
Consider the maximally mobile 21st-century human, the person who could pretty much live anywhere. Landry… 21:20:532017-07-11 10:53:29Meet Portland's New International Homeowners
DELHI – In a recent exchange between former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers on the plausibility of secular stagnation, one point of agreement was the need for a global perspective. But… 04:13:502017-07-10 12:59:23The Problem With Secular Stagnation
Wildflowers, waterfalls, and panoramic views—what more could you ask for? Plus 3 springtime travel ideas not to miss!
Image: Brian Barker
Balsamroot blooms at the top of Mosier Plateau.
Occupying the sunbathed hillsides… 01:31:142017-07-10 12:58:46Trail of the Month: Mosier Plateau
Halfway through his term Portland's mayor reflects on the city's rising skyline, an urban world, and the city's greatest challenge.
Elected amid 2012’s postrecession hangover, Mayor Charlie Hales now presides over an urban boom that powers… 22:09:092015-03-31 22:12:02Portland's Mayor Says the Future is Bright—If Anyone Can Still Afford to Live Here
A survey this past week from Wasp Barcode--a client of mine who makes asset management systems (I am not being compensated to write this.)--caught my attention. Among other things, its biggest reveal was that 88 percent of the small business… 06:56:312017-07-08 09:39:23Why in the World Are Most Business Owners Happy With Their Accountants?
LONDON – The US dollar is hitting new 12-year highs almost daily, while the euro seems to be plunging inexorably to below dollar parity. Currency movements are often described as the most unpredictable of all financial variables; but recent… 01:43:552017-07-08 09:38:37How Far Will the Euro Fall?
For over a year, Bank of America seemed to make headline news every day. Unfortunately, none of those headlines were good. Now top honors goes to HSBC. This time it is Argentina claiming that the British banking giant helped clients evade taxes.
According… 10:35:202017-07-08 09:37:34When It Rains, It Pours… HSBC Drowning in Troubles
IRS Tax Tip 2015-37, March 12, 2015
Do you own or run a small business or tax-exempt group with fewer than 25 full-time employees? If you do, you should know that the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit can help you provide insurance to… 09:04:282017-07-07 07:08:31Employers: Don’t Overlook the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
(Bloomberg) -- Republican lawmakers are doing something surprising with President Barack Obama’s proposal to tax U.S. companies’ overseas profits. They’re calling it constructive.
Top members of the committees focused on taxes in Congress… 10:46:532017-07-07 07:06:54Republicans Usually Opposed to Obama See Promise in Tax Plan
Apple Inc's healthcare technology is spreading quickly among major U.S. hospitals, showing early promise as a way for doctors to monitor patients remotely and lower costs.
Fourteen of 23 top hospitals contacted by Reuters said they have rolled… 11:35:432017-07-07 07:06:17Apple's Healthcare Technology Takes Early Lead Among Top Hospitals
Meet Portland's New International Homeowners
Local News, PortlandThe Problem With Secular Stagnation
EconomicsTrail of the Month: Mosier Plateau
RecreationPortland's Mayor Says the Future is Bright—If Anyone Can Still Afford to Live Here
Local News, Portland EconomyWhy in the World Are Most Business Owners Happy With Their Accountants?
BusinessHow Far Will the Euro Fall?
EconomicsWhen It Rains, It Pours… HSBC Drowning in Troubles
TaxesEmployers: Don’t Overlook the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
Small Business, Tax Tips, TaxesRepublicans Usually Opposed to Obama See Promise in Tax Plan
US NewsApple's Healthcare Technology Takes Early Lead Among Top Hospitals
Business, Technology