Protect Yourself from a Tax Audit - Isler NW

Protect Yourself from a Tax Audit

Tax audits are rare. The average taxpayer has a 1-in-100 probability of being formally audited by the IRS in a given year. The odds of a tax audit rise if, among other things, you itemize deductions, report profits or losses on a home business…
2015 Economic Recovery - Isler NW

2015 Will Be The True Test Of The Economic Recovery

By BEN CASSELMAN Every January since the recession ended in 2009, economists have predicted that this was the year the economic recovery would take off. In 2014, they were finally right. The year didn’t get off to a good start. Gross…
2015 Business Resolutions - Isler NW

Here Are 5 Business Resolutions to Start Right Now

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A new year brings with it all sorts of opportunities to think about how we can improve ourselves, not just in our personal lives, but also professionally. It’s a great time to take a few moments to ponder what we did well in the previous year…
Health Insurance Costs Rise

As health insurance costs rise, workers in Oregon and U.S. spend more on premiums and deductibles

Health insurance costs are growing faster than income in all 50 states, a new study says, and workers are feeling the pinch in rising out-of-pocket costs. Workers who receive health insurance through their employer are spending more of their…

Public Assistance to Low-Wage Workers Costs $1.7 Billion in Oregon

Public assistance to working Oregonians costs an estimated $1.7 billion annually, according to a new report on the impact of low-paying jobs. Nearly 197,000 workers don't earn enough to cover their basic needs and rely in some part on…
Precision Wealth Transfer With A CLAT - Isler NW

Precision Wealth Transfer With A CLAT

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Boston Consulting Group senior partner Ron L. Nicol approaches financial decisions with the thoroughness and precision demanded of the nuclear submarine officer he was for seven years after graduating from the Naval Academy. So believe him…
11 Tips to Avoid a Tax Hit in 2015 - Isler NW

11 Steps To Avoid a Tax Hit in 2015

By Robert Powell Take these steps now to avoid a tax hit in 2015: Review your estimated taxes. If you’re paying quarterly estimated taxes, now would be a good time to review your payments, especially if you had a big change in income…
Congress Approves Tax Extenders for 2014

Congress Approves Tax Extenders for 2014

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The U.S. Senate has approved a one-year extension of the tax extenders bill, a grab bag of around 50 tax provisions for businesses and individuals. The bill will cost $42 billion over ten years and applies retroactively to the 2014 tax year.…
Oregon Capitol Building - Isler NW

Personal Income Taxes: Governor’s Budget Proposal Includes Extending Certain Credits and Creating New Working Family Addition Tax Credit

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Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber has released his 2015-2017 budget recommendations, which include proposals to extend various corporate and personal income tax credits and to create a new working family addition tax credit. The Governor recommends…

Portland expects $19 million surplus next year

Portland city government expects to have $19 million in additional revenue for the next fiscal year — $4.6 million of ongoing revenue and $14.4 million in one-time revenue. The revenue forecast was released by the City Budget Office on…