It’s Official! Another Round of Stimulus Payments Approved by Congress
2020 Stimulus Package, COVID-19, Stimulus PaymentsArticle Highlights:
Economic Impact Payments
High-Income Taxpayer Phaseout
Social Security Number Requirements
IRS Information Sites
The American Rescue Plan Act has…

House Votes Monday on Second $2,000 Stimulus Check After Trump Signs Bill
2020 Due Dates, 2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, EIP Card, Stimulus PaymentsFrom CNET | written by Jessica Dolcourt
President Trump signed the stimulus bill on Sunday night, avoiding the government shutdown. Today, the House will vote on $2,000 stimulus checks.
Sunday night, after days of criticizing the $600 second…

Help Is on the Way – Emergency Coronavirus Relief Agreement Reached
2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Stimulus Payments
Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act of 2020
Stimulus Payments
Unemployment Assistance
CDC Eviction Moratorium
Paycheck Protection Program Loans
Earned Income Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit
School Funding
Child Care

5 Reasons Why You May Not Receive a Stimulus Check
2020 Due Dates, 2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, COVID-19From Forbes.com | Kelly Anne Smith Forbes Advisor Staff
The harsh economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread shutdowns needed to contain it are starting to set in.
More than 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment…

Qualified Opportunity Zone Rules Are Relaxed– Need to identify QOF property by December 31
2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, COVID-19From The Journal of Accountancy, by Sally P. Schreiber, J.D.
In Notice 2020-39, the IRS extended some deadlines for investing in qualified opportunity funds (QOF) and relaxed some investment requirements to make it easier for QOF investors…

Don’t Miss Out on Year-End Tax-Planning Opportunities
2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, Tax Credits, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Unemployment Benefits Taxability
To Skip or Not Skip the 2020 Required Minimum Distribution
Special Charitable Giving Opportunities
Divorced or Separated Planning Issues
Potential State Health Insurance…

IRS Provides Tax Relief for Victims of Oregon Wildfires
2020 Due Dates, 2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, COVID-19, OregonFrom the Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants
WASHINGTON — Victims of the Oregon wildfires and straight-line winds that began on Sept. 7 now have until Jan. 15, 2021 to file various individual and business tax returns…

Individuals Have a New Opportunity to Receive $500 Economic Impact Payments for Their Children
2020 Stimulus Package, COVID-19, Tax NewsArticle Highlights:
$500 Per Child Stimulus Payment
Non-Filer Tool
Those Who Have Already Used the Non-Filer Tool
Those Who Haven’t Used Non-Filer Tool
How Payment Will be Made
Get My Payment Tool

PPP Interim Final Ruling Summary
2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, Paycheck Protection Program To our valued clients:
The US Small Business Administration and Treasury recently issued an interim final rule clarifying Paycheck Protection Program forgiveness issues surrounding owner-employee compensation and the eligibility of rent…

IRS Extends the Opportunity to Defer Capital Gains
2020 Due Dates, 2020 Stimulus Package, 2020 Tax Laws, Capital Gains, COVID-19IRS Extends the Opportunity to Defer Capital Gains
Article Highlights:
Tax Benefits
Investment Period
Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds
Qualified Opportunity Zones
Deferral Period
10 Year Election
As part of tax reform…