Uncertain About the Reporting Deadlines for BOI?
Business, Corporate, Tax Planning, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Corporate Transparency Act
Beneficial Ownership Information
Events Leaving Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting in Doubt
History of Events
Current Status
Back in 2021 Congress passed the Corporate…

June Estimated Tax Payments Are Just Around the Corner
2018 Tax Laws, Business, Corporate, Tax News, Tax PlanningJune 15th falls on the weekend this year, so the due date for the second installment of estimated taxes is the next business day, June 17, which is just around the corner. So, it is time to determine if your estimated tax payment should be lowered…

How QuickBooks Protects Your Data, and How You Can Help
Accounting, Business, Business Development, Corporate, QuickbooksThe data in your QuickBooks company file contains some of the most sensitive information on your computer. Make sure it’s secure.
Your customer list is gold. And those Social Security and bank card numbers in your payroll, client, and…

Are You Missing a W-2?
Business, Corporate, Tax Tips, TaxesHave you received all of your W-2s? These documents are essential for completing individual income tax returns, as they include the taxable amount of your wages and the amount withheld for federal and (if applicable) state income tax, along…

S Corporation Stockholders: Are You Taking Reasonable Compensation in the Form of Wages?
Business, CorporateS corporation compensation requirements are often misunderstood and abused by owner-shareholders. An S corporation is a type of business structure in which the business does not pay income tax at the corporate level and instead distributes (passes…

10 Mistakes Most Small Business Owners Miss When Starting Out
Business, Business Development, Corporate, Education, Entrepeneurship, Finance, GrowthThe process of starting a small business can be an arduous one; there are numerous steps that need to be taken — and often in a precise order — to legally establish a business. As a result, the process can be overwhelming. Unfortunately,…

4 Ways to Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills
Business Development, Corporate, Leadership, Small BusinessArticle by Nina Bowman | Featured on Harvard Business Review
If you’ve ever received feedback that you “need to be more strategic,” you know how frustrating it can feel. To add insult to injury, the feedback rarely comes with any…

Personal Income Taxes: Governor’s Budget Proposal Includes Extending Certain Credits and Creating New Working Family Addition Tax Credit
Corporate, Local News, Oregon, Portland EconomyOregon Gov. John Kitzhaber has released his 2015-2017 budget recommendations, which include proposals to extend various corporate and personal income tax credits and to create a new working family addition tax credit. The Governor recommends…