cpa, portland, business

Your Money: Three Big Ideas to Make it Easier to Save for College

Article by Beth Pinkser | Article Found on Reuters Surveys regularly find that Americans have no idea what a 529 college savings plan is, so a little tinkering under the hood is definitely needed. For more than 20 years, families have…

Why Skipping Community College Could Be A $20,000 Mistake

Article by Andrew Josuweit | Found on Forbes When Adam Reres was in high school, he decided to take a different route than many of his peers. Rather than go straight to the four-year school of his dreams, he decided to start his education…

Should Your High Schooler Get an After-School Job?

Article by Beth Kobliner | Article Found on INC.COM When my friend Cassie was a senior in high school, she cashiered at a local supermarket. She earned enough money to go out with friends without asking her cash-strapped mom for a handout.…
Shrinking Financial Aid Curbs Impact of Slowing College Tuition Increases

Shrinking Financial Aid Curbs Impact of Slowing College Tuition Increases

By Douglas Belkin | Featured on WSJ Relatively modest rise in 2015-2016 amplified by near-zero inflation and pullback in grants Tuition increases at U.S. colleges have plateaued after decades of steep growth, but stagnant wages, near-zero…