Unlocking Wealth: How Exchanges Can Transform Your Real Estate Investments
Real EstateArticle Highlights:
The Basics of Section 1031 Exchanges
Key Requirements
Limitations Imposed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
State Considerations
The Role of a Qualified Intermediary
Types of 1031 Exchanges
Boot in 1031…

Can States Save Seniors? Fighting the Rising Costs of Property Taxes
Real Estate, Retirement, Tax TipsProperty taxes are a significant financial burden for many Americans, particularly senior citizens. Rising property taxes have begun to jeopardize the financial stability of older adults living on fixed incomes. In response, some states are…

Facing a Huge Gain from a Realty Sale?
Real Estate, TaxesIf you are contemplating selling real estate property, there are a number of issues that could impact the taxes that you might owe, and there are steps you can take to minimize the gain, defer the gain, or spread it over a number of years.

Tax Reform Has Substantially Altered the Tax Benefits of Home Ownership
Real Estate, Tax ReformAs part of the recent tax reform, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the deduction for home mortgage interest and property taxes has undergone substantial alterations. These changes will impact most homeowners who itemize their deductions each…

Filing a 1099-MISC May Now Apply to Landlords. Are You Collecting the Needed W-9s?
2018 Tax Laws, Real EstateIf you use independent contractors to perform services for your business or your rental that is a trade or business, for each individual whom you pay $600 or more for the year, you are required to issue the service provider and the IRS a Form…

Vacation Home Rentals: How the Income Is Taxed
Real EstateIf you have a second home in a resort area, or if you have been considering acquiring a second home or vacation home, you may have questions about how rental income is taxed for a part-time vacation-home rental.
The applicable rental rules…

Short-Term Rental, Special Treatment
2018 Tax Laws, Real Estate, Small Business, TaxesWith the advent of online sites such as Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway, many individuals have taken to renting out their first or second home through these online rental sites, which match property owners with prospective renters. If you are doing…

Yes, Student Debt is Delaying Homeownership
Economy, Real EstateArticle by Katie Lobosko | Found on CNN.com
College grads have claimed for years that they were putting off buying a home because of student debt. Now, there's strong proof that their loans really have pulled down homeownership rates.

What Role Should Your House Have in Retirement Planning?
Personal Finance, Real Estate, RetirementArticle by Ilana Polyak | Featured on Journal of Accountancy
Home is where the heart is. And it can also be where the assets are. As of 2011, home equity made up about three-quarters of the average American’s net worth, according to the…

The Right Time to Sell Is Anytime
Real EstateArticle by JOANNE KAUFMAN | Found on New York Times
When Aaron Thornton and his wife, Michelle League, decided a few months ago to sell their brownstone on West 120th Street, they first tended to some maintenance issues, then consulted their…