isler northwest, cpa, portland

The Hot New 'Retirement' Plan for Baby Boomers: Starting a Business

Article by Leigh Buchanan | Found on INC.COM Characterizing a Boomer business as a retirement hobby is as misleading as saying all 20-somethings launch app companies. Still, startups by people over age 50 tend to skew small. Gallup reports…
accounting firm, portland, oregon

5 Steps to Retire Debt-Free

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Article by by Maurie Backman | Found on America is a nation of borrowers, and while racking up debt can be dangerous at any age, it's especially hazardous for those heading into retirement. Because most seniors are behind on savings…
isler northwest, portland

Social Security Can't Finance Your Retirement, Boomers -- Take Action Now

Article by John Mauldin | Article Featured on Forbes By 2035, the number of Americans 65 and older will climb from about 48 million today to over 79 million. That’s the Baby Boomer impact. There are now 2.8 active workers for each Social…
home equity, retirement

What Role Should Your House Have in Retirement Planning?

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Article by Ilana Polyak | Featured on Journal of Accountancy Home is where the heart is. And it can also be where the assets are. As of 2011, home equity made up about three-quarters of the average American’s net worth, according to the…
Starting Retirement Early

Here's An Easier Way To Start Moving From Broke To Comfortable As You Age

Article by Marilyn Geewax | Featured on NPR The Federal Reserve estimates that nearly a third of workers have no pensions and no retirement savings. Going from young and broke to retired and comfortable is a long, tough road. So…
Does More Money Make You Happier When You Retire? Not Always

Does More Money Make You Happier When You Retire? Not Always

Article Featured on AICPA Many of us imagine a future in retirement when we leave the obligations and stresses of our work life behind; but few of us take the time to create a plan for what we will actually do when we retire and who will…
Retirement Plan

5 Biggest Retirement Planning Changes for 2015

Article by Jamie Hopkins | Featured on Forbes Retirement planning can be extremely difficult as individuals are tasked with planning for an uncertain time period. In many ways, retirement planning is like trying to shoot a moving target…
Do Millennials Save for Retirement?

Are Millennials saving enough for retirement?

Article by Bobbi Rebell | Featured on Reuters Another Millennial myth may be biting the dust. Apparently, Millennials have better retirement saving habits than Baby Boomers. Millennials save 8 percent of their paycheck for retirement,…