Payroll Management: A Complete Guide for SMBs

Payroll taxes can be a significant headache for many small—to medium-sized business owners. Without proper education, entrepreneurs can find themselves in trouble with the IRS and state tax agencies. Fortunately, if you’ve been struggling…

How Overstaffing Can Impact Your Small Business

In the bustling world of small businesses, where every decision can significantly impact your bottom line, overstaffing can be a major problem. One of the main reasons for this is that hiring too many employees can happen before you even realize…

Navigating the Tax Implications of Remote Work for SMBs: A Comprehensive Guide

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In the wake of the pandemic, remote work has become the new norm for many American workers. As businesses across a wide range of industries have shifted to a remote model, employees and employers alike have experienced numerous benefits such…

Common IRS Audit Triggers for Small Businesses: How to Avoid Them

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As a small business owner, the word 'audit' can be a source of anxiety. However, understanding the common triggers for an IRS audit and taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the likelihood of facing one. This article explores the factors…

New Business Start-up Costs

Article Highlights Starting a Business What Expenses Qualify as Start-up and Organizational Costs Tax Treatment of Start-up and Organizational Costs Common Start-up and Organizational Costs Summary Starting a business can…

Navigating the Challenge: How Rising Interest Rates Impact Start-up Fundraising

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In the dynamic world of start-ups, securing funding is the lifeblood of growth and innovation. However, as interest rates begin to rise, entrepreneurs find themselves facing a new set of challenges. In this article, we'll explore the multifaceted…

Your Entrepreneur Start-Up Guide: The Best Practices to Help Motivate Success

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Ask any experienced entrepreneur and they will tell you that the difference between running a business and running a successful business is massive. To truly give yourself the best chance of success, and to help achieve your overall goals in…

Keeping Up With Receivables: Know Who Owes You

QuickBooks Online provides numerous ways for you to know which customers owe you money – and who is late. There are so many financial details to keep track of when you’re running a small business. You have to make sure your products and…

Small Businesses Can Benefit from the Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Article Highlights: What is the Work Opportunity Tax Credit? Maximum Credit Who Can Claim the Credit? Qualified Employees Pre-screening and Certification Tax-exempt Employers The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a…

Business Start-Up Expenses and How to Write Them Off

Article Highlights: $5,000 First-year Start-up and Organizational Expense Write-off Timely Filing Requirements Qualifying Start-up Expenses Trade or Business Purchase Qualifying Organizational Expenses Expense Write-off Limitations …