Employees’ Fringe Benefits after Tax Reform
Business, Employees, Tax ReformTax reform made a lot of changes, some of which impacted employees’ fringe benefits. This article reviews the most frequently encountered fringe benefits, including those that were and were not impacted by tax changes. These changes can affect…

Relief from the Affordable Care Act Penalty for Not Being Insured
Tax Reform, TaxesBeginning in 2019, the penalty for not having adequate health insurance, which the government refers to as the “individual shared responsibility payment,” will no longer apply.
The elimination of this penalty as of 2019 does not impact…

Tax Reform Has Substantially Altered the Tax Benefits of Home Ownership
Real Estate, Tax ReformAs part of the recent tax reform, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the deduction for home mortgage interest and property taxes has undergone substantial alterations. These changes will impact most homeowners who itemize their deductions each…

Don’t Overlook Tax Credits
2018 Tax Laws, Tax Reform, TaxesDon’t Overlook Tax Credits
Tax credits are a tax benefit that offsets your actual tax liability, as opposed to a tax deduction, which reduces your income. Congress provides tax credits to individual taxpayers for a number of reasons, including…

Most Common Types of IRS Tax Problems
2018 Tax Laws, Tax Reform, Tax Tips, TaxesReceiving notification from the Internal Revenue Service that there’s some kind of problem is one of the most bone-chilling situations an American taxpayer can experience. Just receiving an envelope with a return address from the IRS can strike…

Tax Reform Enables Deferral of Taxable Gains Into Investments in Opportunity Zones
2018 Tax Laws, Growth, Investment, Tax ReformThose who have a large taxable gain from the sale of a stock, asset, or business and who would like to defer that gain with the possibility of excluding some of it from taxation should investigate a new investment called a qualified opportunity…

Kiddie Tax No Longer Based on Parents’ Tax Rate
Business, Economics, Finance, Finance Tips, Investment, Jobs, Personal Finance, Tax Reform, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Parents Attempting to Shift Income to Children
Kiddie Tax
Tax Reform Changes
Tax on Child’s Unearned Income
Tax on Child’s Earned Income
Some years back, it was not uncommon for parents to put…

Tax Reform 2.0 Is in the Works
2018 Tax Laws, Tax ReformThe dust has not yet settled from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed into law in December 2017, and the House Ways and Means Committee is already considering another round of tax changes. The committee chair, Kevin Brady, Republican from…

Do You Need to Renew Your ITIN?
2018 Tax Laws, Tax News, Tax Reform, TaxesThe IRS has announced that more than 2 million Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are set to expire at the end of 2018. An ITIN is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to individuals who are required for U.S. federal tax purposes…

Tax Reform Eases the Alternative Minimum Tax – But It’s Still There
2018 Tax Laws, Tax Reform, TaxesAlthough Congress has been promising to repeal the alternative minimum tax (AMT), they failed to do that when they passed tax reform in 2017. Instead, they lessened the effects of the AMT by increasing AMT exemptions (an amount of income exempt…