Writing Off Your Business Start-Up Expenses
Small Business, Startup, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
$5,000 First-year Start-up and Organizational Expense Write-off
Timely Filing Requirements
Qualifying Start-up Expenses
Trade or Business Purchase
Qualifying Organizational Expenses
Expense Write-off…

Tax Filing Deadlines Are Rapidly Approaching
2021 Due Dates, IRA Contributions, IRA's, Tax Refund, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Filing Due Date
Balance due payments
Contributions to a Roth or traditional IRA
Estimated tax payments for the first quarter of 2021
Individual refund claims for tax year 2017
Just a reminder to those…

Easily Check the Status of Your Refund
Tax Refund, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Your Federal Tax Refund Status Can Be Checked Online
Delay When Claiming Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit
“Where’s My Refund?”
Refunds Are Generally Issued Within 21 Days of E-Filing

Are Your Unemployment Benefits Taxable?
ARPA, CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Oregon, Oregon Income Tax, Stimulus Payments, Tax News, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
CARES and COVID Tax Relief Acts
Unemployment Benefits
American Rescue Plan
Tax-Exempt Portion of Unemployment
Bogus Forms 1099-G
Kiddie Tax and Unemployment
States’ Taxation of Unemployment

Understanding Tax-Filing Status
2021 Tax Laws, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Married Filing Jointly
Surviving Spouse
Married to a Nonresident Alien
Head of Household
Married Filing Separate
Filing status is determined on the last day of the year and most often is…

Unemployment Fraudsters May Create a Tax Nightmare for Unsuspecting Taxpayers
CARES Act 2020, COVID-19, Scams, Security, Tax News, Tax TipsAs if this past year with all of its pandemic perils has not been stressful enough, the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Labor has just added to our anxieties by announcing that at least at least $36 billion and possibly…

Tax Deductions Without Itemizing
2020 Tax Laws, 2021 Due Dates, Deductions, Health Savings Accounts, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Charitable Contributions
Educator Expenses
Performing Artist Expenses
State and Local Government Officials’ Expenses
Health Savings Account Contributions
Moving Expenses for Members of the Armed Forces

IRS to Automatically Adjust Prior Filed 2020 Returns with Unemployment Income
2021 Tax Laws, ARPA, COVID-19, EITC, Tax Credits, Tax News, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights
Prior Filed Returns with Unemployment Income
American Rescue Plan’s $10,200 Exclusion
IRS Automatic Adjustment
Refund Application
When an Amended Return Might Be Required
The IRS announced on March 31,…

Special Rules Apply to 2020 EITC and Child Credit
2021 Tax Laws, EITC, Tax Credits, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Employment (Earned) Income
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
Child Tax Credit (CTC)
2019 or 2020 Earned Income
Credit Qualifications
Because of the pandemic, many individuals have seen…

Don’t Miss Out on Tax Credits
2021 Tax Laws, Deductions, EITC, Tax Credits, Tax News, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Non-refundable vs. Refundable Credit
Childcare Credit
Earned Income Tax Credit
Child & Dependent Tax Credit
Saver’s Credit
Vehicle Tax Credits
Adoption Credit
Residential Energy-Efficient…