How Does Education Impact Your Taxes?
Education, Student Loans, Tax TipsThe kids are back in school! Things like student loans, scholarships, and fellowship grants can play a role in parents’ and college students’ tax liability. Let’s look at how education costs can impact your taxes.
Student Loan Forgiveness

Tax Breaks for Grandparents
Tax Credits, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Head of household filing status
Earned income tax credit
Child tax credit
Child care credit for certain working grandparents
Grandchild’s education credits
Medical and dental expenses
More and more…

Mid-Year Tax Planning Checklist 2023
Tax Planning, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Mid-Year Planning
Avoiding Unpleasant Surprises
Events That Have Tax Consequences
Waiting until after the close of the tax year to worry about your taxes can result in missed opportunities that could have reduced…

Divorced, Separated, Married or Widowed This Year? Unpleasant Surprises May Await You at Tax Time
Finance Tips, Tax Planning, Tax Tips Article Highlights:
Separated Taxpayers
Divorced Taxpayers
Recently Married Taxpayers
Widowed Taxpayers
Filing Status
Joint and Several Liability
Who Claims the Children
Community Property States

Did You Get a Letter from the IRS? Don’t Panic.
Tax Planning, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
IRS Notices
CP Series Notice
Automated Notices
Frequent Errors
ID Theft
Penalties and Interest
What You Should Do
What We Will Do
Now that most tax refunds are deposited directly into taxpayers’…

Have You Gotten Bad Tax Advice?
Tax Tips, Taxes Article Highlights:
Divorce or Separation Agreements Can Specify Who Claims a Child.
If You Pay Child Support, You Claim the Child as a Dependent.
Avoiding Payroll Taxesby Treating an Employee’s Compensation as a Gift.

Did You Overlook Something on a Prior Tax Return?
Tax Reform, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Repercussions of Incorrect Tax Returns
Filing Amended Returns
Statute of Limitations for Refunds
Potential of Audit
It is not uncommon to discover that an item of income was overlooked, a deduction was not…

Tax Exempt Organization Filing Deadline Approaching
2023 Taxes, Charity, Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Information Filing
Due Dates
Calendar Year Nonprofit
Fiscal Year Nonprofits
Which Form To File
Extension of Time to File
Late Filing Penalty
Failure To File For 3 Years
State Filing Requirements

Don’t Get Hit with IRS Underpayment Penalties
Tax Planning, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Pay-as-You-Earn System
Withholding and Payment Forms
IRS On-line Withholding Estimator
Situations Triggering Underpayments
Safe Harbor Payments
True Safe Harbor
Under federal law, taxpayers must pay…

Have You Lost Your Job? Here's What You Need to Know About Taxes
Jobs, Tax TipsIf you were laid off from your job at some point in the last year, at least take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
In 2022 alone, there were approximately 15.4 million layoffs in the United States as per one recent study. About 6.9…