How Long Should You Keep Old Tax Records?
Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
The general statute: 3 years
Longer durations in some states
Fraud, failure to file and other issues that extend the statute’s duration
Keeping the actual return
Ordering copies of previously filed…

Tax Rules for Home Flippers
Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
Definition of Flipping
Government Will Share in the Profits
Tax Treatment Depends on Being a Dealer, Investor or Homeowner
Distinguishing a Dealer from an Investor
With mortgage interest rates low, flipping…

Relocating? How to Do It with Taxes in Mind
Jobs, Tax Tips, Working From Home- TipsIf you’re thinking about moving from your current locale, you’re not alone. Americans are on the move for many different reasons: Remote work is increasingly popular and allows employees to live wherever they have access to WiFi, while tax…

Recordkeeping Tips to Keep the IRS Away
Finance Tips, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Tax Recordkeeping Tips
Auto Deductions
Business Equipment
Ordinary and Necessary
Meals & Lodging
Home Office
With the ever-increasing complexity of our tax…

Made a Mistake on Your Tax Return - What Happens Now?
Tax Refund, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Tax Return Mistakes are Common
Fixing Tax Return Mistakes
Amended Return
Superseding Return
Don’t Procrastinate in Responding to IRS
Generally speaking, tax return mistakes are a lot more common than…

Owe Taxes and Can’t Pay by the Due Date?
2021 Due Dates, Tax Planning, Tax Refund, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
If you can’t pay
Credit card payments
IRS Installment agreement
Retirement funds
The vast majority of Americans get a tax refund from the IRS each spring, but what if you are one of those who…

Unpaid Debt Taking Your Tax Refund?
Tax Refund, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Allowable Refund Offsets
Disputing an Offset
Injured Spouse Claim
We all look forward to receiving our tax refunds, but what if you were expecting a refund and it never arrived? …

Consequences of Filing Married Separately
2021 Tax Laws, Tax Planning, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Changing Filing Status
Community Property States
Social Security Benefits
Capital Loss Limitations
Sec 179 Business Expensing Election
Rental Loss Limitation
Traditional IRA Contributions

The Tax-Filing Deadline Is Around the Corner
2021 Due Dates, Tax News, Tax Tips, TaxesArticle Highlights:
Balance-Due Payments
Contributions to Roth or Traditional IRAs
Individual Refund Claims for the 2017 Tax Year
Missing Information
As a reminder to those who have not yet filed their 2020…

Refund Statute Expiring: Don’t Miss Out!
Tax Refund, Tax TipsArticle Highlights:
The refund statute expires on May 17, 2021 for unfiled 2017 returns.
Unfiled returns will lose out on refundable credits.
Refunds may be offset by unpaid child support, past due student loans, and back taxes.